Thursday, April 1, 2010

Neurotic Behavior: Starting at an Early Age

I've always known I'm a bit neurotic.  My boyfriend commented one day, "Are you seriously organizing the refrigerator?" Which was followed with him mumbling about how I should be on medication :).  I told him I think my neurosis makes me who I am.  I never really think much about being a crazy perfectionist, but my mom sent an email to me this evening and it made me laugh, I figured I would share:

Hi Molly,

I just thought about something that I don’t know if I ever told you. When we moved to East Hartland you had to go to the public school to be tested for the upcoming Kindergarten year. They ask you to write your name……..see attached. We wound up sending you to Torrington Christian where they hardly let you use a pencil the whole year, but you will be amazed when you look at the attached.

Everyone, including me, was astonished. Instead of a huge scrawled name that a “normal” 4 to 5 year old would write, you wrote precise and little in perfect little letters! (Maybe that indicated you were a bit of a perfectionist!)

"The pursuit of excellence is gratifying and healthy. The pursuit of perfection is frustrating, neurotic, and a terrible waste of time." ~ Edwin Bliss

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