Saturday, July 10, 2010

Help send me Over the Edge for Special Olympics Virginia!

That’s right…I’m hoping to rappel off a 25-story building in downtown Richmond this October! In order to take on this challenge and join other fearless Special Olympics fans on the roof, I must first reach my fundraising goal. With your help I’ll be dangling from 400 feet up in no time!

Donating through this secure site is the easiest and most efficient way to contribute to my fundraising efforts. Your support is greatly appreciated—and don't forget to forward this to anyone who you think might be interested in making a donation as well! Anyone who donates over $100 will receive a free week of advertising on, your company will just be responsible for providing the weekly rewards!

Your donation will assist Special Olympics Virginia in reaching our total fundraising goal of $75,000. And with your help, I hope to surpass my own fundraising goal and join other adrenaline junkies as we rappel down one of the tallest buildings in Richmond. It’ll be an extreme adventure that we hope will generate extreme impact for Special Olympics Virginia.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for honestly relating your experiences and opinions and good luck to you.
